Engage. Develop. Mobilize.
Baptist Collegiate Ministries, O’ahu
at UH Mānoa
Located next to the campus, BCM O‘ahu is a Registered Independent Organization (RIO) at the University of Hawai‘i, Manoa.
BCM Oahu is a student organization at UH Manoa that engages students in an authentic community, helps them grow in or explore their relationship with God, and ultimately sends students out to reach others with the Gospel.

Weekly Events.
The Vine: Tuesdays @ 7 PM
During the semester, we meet for The Vine on Tuesdays at 7pm at the BCM building (located 2042 Vancouver Avenue - across University Ave from the Shidler College of Business). The Vine provides college students an opportunity to meet other students and engage in discussions about the Bible and how it applies to faith and the college experience.
Free Dinner: Wednesdays @ 6 PM
Every Wednesday during the semester, come and join us from 6-8 pm at 2042 Vancouver Dr (the BCM Building across the street from Schidler) for a free dinner! We cycle between many different kinds of foods like hamburgers and hotdogs, nachos, and spaghetti and meatballs. We also have fun activities throughout the night such as karaoke and painting. It is a drop-in/drop-out event so everyone is welcome to come and drop by for some fun and community!
Weekend Events
BCM hosts monthly fun events such as game nights, day hikes, beach outings, craft nights, and coffee tours. At these events, new students can expect to feel welcomed, connect with new friends, and have fun exploring the island and living life together.
Visit us on Facebook or Instagram (@bcmoahu) for more info!
BCM O‘AHU exists to engage college students with the Gospel, develop disciples of Jesus Christ, and mobilize servant leaders for the Church in order to reach the world. We strive to partner with local churches to advance God’s kingdom on every college campus in Hawai‘i and the regions inside of Hawai‘i-Pacific Baptist Convention.
Our Vision.
Meet the BCM Staff!
The BCM staff are here to help plan events, work on preparing and coordinating opportunities for missions and service trips, mentor students, and ultimately work to see God’s Kingdom furthered at UH Mānoa.
Arjay Gruspe
As BCM’s director and Senior Pastor of Pawa‘a Community Church, Arjay is passionate about student transformation through Christ. A UH-Mānoa and SBTS graduate, he is married to Tara, with two adult children, Kainoa and Kainani, pursuing careers in London and Hawai‘i.
Noah Denney
Noah Denney, a CSU Chico graduate, found his calling in collegiate ministry through Christian Challenge. Now pursuing an M.Div. in Biblical Counseling, he serves students alongside his wife, Hannah, and their son, Milo, who loves being part of BCM. They cherish the students' impact on their family.
Hannah Denney
Hannah loves using her creativity in BCM and the Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention’s communications. A Chico State journalism graduate, she and her husband, Noah, felt called to collegiate ministry. After serving in California, they moved to Hawai‘i, where they’ve spent four years seeing BCM grow by God’s grace.
Julia Haggard
Julia earned her Global Studies degree at UH Mānoa in 2023 while attending BCM Oahu. Passionate about missions, she loves traveling, coffee chats, hiking, and the beach. Now on staff, she strives to deepen students’ faith and foster intentional community growth.
Sara Tilton
Sara moved to Hawai‘i in 2020 for college, where her faith deepened, sparking a passion for ministry. She loves surfing, running, and community. While she hopes to one day work with children, she cherishes serving college students and walking alongside them at BCM O‘ahu.
Intern Program
During COVID, the Baptist student dorm at Manoa shut down. Spring of 2024, it reopened for the BCM O’ahu Internship Program, led by NextGen Director Arjay Gruspe. Students who apply and are accepted into the internship, live in the dorm while developing in leadership, theology, and missions. They gain ministry experience by serving at BCM, attending leadership classes, mentoring, and participating in conferences locally and on the mainland.
Meet the BCM Interns
Alyssia Fernandez Ruiz
Devin Valencia-Pereles
Andru Ellis
Victor Erese
We believe that college is THE pivotal time where you can Engage, develop, and mobilize to reach your campus, community, and the world for Jesus Christ.
Mission Opportunities
Throughout the year, our ministry partners with various churches and ministries in our Hawaii Pacific Baptist network to serve where a need arises, doing ‘aina work, volunteering at events, and hosting mission groups to partner alongside BCM from other Baptist college ministries and colleges.
We also send students on mission around the world to support International Mission Board missionaries on the field, as well as mainland partnerships. Examples of places BCM O’ahu students have gone include Japan, East Africa, Portugal, and the Navajo Nation. BCM students have practiced evangelism, aided in emergency disaster relief, hosted Hawaiian culture events, and many other things as we have sought to love and assist missionaries around the world.